Talking to Mireia Esplugas | Expert in Hand Surgery and Arthroscopy

We are pleased to bring you this short talk by our colleague Alejandro Suero with a Referent in Hand Surgery and Arthroscopy, Dr. Mireia Esplugas.

After more than 25 years of experience as a hand and wrist surgeon, Mireia is a leading international reference in surgery and arthroscopy. She is a member of the Spanish Society for Surgery of the Hand (SECMA), the European Wrist Arthroscopy Society (EWAS) and the Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH), among others. She is member of the Kaplan Institute in Barcelona, conducts different training courses all over the world, has published more than 15 articles in international scientific journals, and presented more than 70 communications at numerous congresses.

As I said, Mireia is an eminent figure in this segment and a source of inspiration for those of us who love the field of hand surgery and therapy.

Here is the full video of our talk. You can activate the automatic subtitles:

ReHand and its Clinical Validation

During the talk, the doctor refers to one of the points that most caught her attention about ReHand: its Clinical Validation. ReHand is the result of the work of a clinical team (surgeons and hand therapists) together with engineers that has gone through several clinical trials in the last 6 years, reaching more than 1000 patients recruited. In turn, these trials have resulted in several publications in high impact journals and national and international congresses. You can read about it on our who we work with page.

Thus, Mireia states “…what attracted me to contact you in order to be able to use ReHand for my patients is basically the clinical validation…. I waited until it was sufficiently mature, stable and proven to start our relationship, and I am very happy about that…“.

Education, Doctor-Patient relationship and ReHand

During the conversation that our colleague Alejandro Suero had with the dr Mireia, the subject of patient education and post-surgical patient management came up. Specifically, she highlights the reality that not all patients who come for hand surgery will require surgery. Many of them, with education, self-management strategies and our own guidance, will be able to live a normal life and be “happy“.

One of the points that stands out during the video call is the value provided by the ability to monitor their patients, know their adherence to the programme and send scales and validated questionnaires And just when they have retired their immobilisation, they start with the ReHand programme and they know that they will receive a questionnaire once a week and I send it to them, I tell them and they are delighted to do it. No one has ever said to me what a hassle the questionnaire schedule is. And then they know that I get feedback on how they are doing the exercises and how they are progressing or how they are stucking in their recovery“.

In addition, the fact of being able to carry out such close monitoring, builds a very strong and close doctor-patient relationship, which influences the evolution in a very positive way “I always think that the good patient, the one who will end up well, is because he makes a good doctor-patient team, sure and it is ReHand, it is a tool of intercommunication. They are not isolated in their world… but the fact that I can see how they do it… motivates them…“.

ReHand and Hand Surgery

ReHand allows work based on the latest evidence of the patient post-surgery of the wrist-hand-finger segment, directly addressing the alteration of the sensorimotor system with artificial intelligence. It allows us to treat and prescribe exercise programmes tailored to a specific pathology, such as radius fractures, carpal instabilities or carpal tunnel syndrome, among others.

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